

Consuming fat benefits your body in many ways, one of the main importance of fat is to store energy and also to contribute to absorbing vitamins. Fat can also help us externaly such as keeping us warm in the winter and also protecting the body from blunt trauma. But remember do not eat to much high fat containing foods because its never a good idea to eat to much.

Guacamole Recipe


Difficulty: Beginner

Time: 30 Minutes

Guacamole mainly consists of avacadoes and its flavor comes from the multitude of seasonings added to it. It goes very well with tortilla chips


3 Avocadoes

2 Limes

Diced Tomatoes

Diced Cilantro

Diced Onion


First Step: Mash avocados until they are mush

Second Step: Add ingredients and mix

Third Step: Sprinkle spice on there. ENJOY!

Steamed Salmon Recipe


Difficulty: Experienced

Time: 20 Minutes

Steamed Salmon

Steamed Salmon is one of the most fat-plentiful foods out there. It consist on Salmon and it goes very well with rice.


1 Salmon



First Step: Cut the fish into big chunks

Second Step: Steam the fish

Third Step: Add the salt in and ENJOY!

Frozen Yogurt Recipe


Difficulty: Beginner

Time: 10

Frozen Yogurt it a simple fat-plentiful food that is refreshing and quick. Frozen yogurt goes well with fruits, especially berries.


Whole-Milk Yogurt


A few sprays of Cream

Fruits to your liking


First Step: Take the yogurt and put it in a bowl

Second Step: Pour little milk in the bowl

Third Step: Add some cream and then mix!

Fourth Step: Add your desired fruits and snack in!


Forever-Foodies: Version 1.2